# mrfetch This is the repository for ``mrfetch``. ``mrfetch`` is a fetch utility created by iVacon as a nitch-inspired hobby project made in Rust. The ``mrfetch`` tool is in no way, shape, or form, endorsed by the Rust Foundation or Project. Disclaimers aside, this started as nothing more but a personal hobby project for me (iVacon) to practice Rust with. I don't expect this to get popular, and definitely not to replace nitch. Those projects are far, far greater and bigger and made by way smarter people. # Install guide This program works ONLY on Linux. No macOS, no Windows. Maybe you can run it on BSD but that's untested. 1. Dependencies: rustup, figlet and git. 2. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/iVacon/mrfetch ``` 3. Set up rustup if you haven't already: ```bash rustup default stable ``` 4: Compile: ```bash cd mrfetch cargo build --release ``` 5: Install: ```bash sudo cp target/release/mrfetch /bin/mrfetch```